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  • 뉴스레터 신청하기
  • 공연장 정보 및 교통안내
페이스북 트위터

Booth Registration

  • Arts Groups and Professionals : Individuals and groups wishing to introduce their works
  • Arts Organizations : Arts Councils, Cultural Foundations, and Associations wishing to introduce their activities
  • Arts Companies : Businesses in the performing arts

Registration Period and Cost

  • Registration Period : Aug. 1 (Thu) ~ Sep. 2 (Mon)
  • Registration Fee : KRW 680,000 (Around USD 600)
  • ※ Payment of the registration fee will vary depending on the exchange rate on your registration date.

    ※ Booth Operation hours and Location

    Oct. 8 (Tue) ~9 (Wed), 10:00 ~ 15:00, 2nd and 3rd floor lobbies, Main Hall 'Hae,' The National Theater of Korea


  • Each booth comes with the standard offerings of one table, three chairs, and an electrical outlet.
  • ※ A/V devices and other equipment must be rented separately.

    ※ Information about designated rental companies will be made available after the closure of Booth registration
    (in August).

  • Two PAMS 2013 participant passes, valid for observation of all programs
  • ※ Admission may NOT be available for certain programs that operate on a first-come, first-served or prior reservation

    ※ Participants will NOT be admitted to the venue without their passes, and are prohibited from transferring their passes
    to others.

    ※ Two (2) passes are provided per registered booth. Those requiring additional passes will need to register

  • Ticket discounts for all PAMS Link performances
  • Souvenirs and information packet including PAMS 2013 programs

Please note

  • Booth registration operates on a first-come, first-served basis (according to payment date). Registration may close early.
  • may apply for up to two (2) booths online. Those wishing to rent three (3) or more booths should contact the Secretariat in advance.
  • When applying for a booth, please refer to the floor plan and select three desired locations in order of preference. If your desired locations have already been selected by other applicants, an improvised booth will be set up at a position nearest to your preferred location.


  • Payment Option: Bank Transfer or Credit Card

Cancelations and Refunds

    How to Cancel: Send a cancellation form by email or fax and confirm by telephone.

  • Full refund when canceled on your registration date
  • 80% refund until seven (7) days before registration closing date: (~ Aug. 17)
  • 70% refund until one (1) day before registration closing date: (~ Aug. 24)
  • 50% refund on registration closing date: (Aug. 25)
  • No refund related to any cancellations after Aug. 25.
  • ※ Payment refund takes an estimated period of one (1) week.

Cancelations and Refunds Form Download

Security and Safety

    The Korea Arts Management Service and Operation team of PAMS 2013 assumes NO responsibility for the damage or loss of items belonging to an exhibiting group during the exhibition period. Responsibility for booth and exhibition item security lies with the exhibiting group. Due to the location design, there may be transit through the exhibition area following the closure of the Booth Exhibition, so please take measures to protect any valuables.

    ※ No separate storage site has been arranged. Those concerned about the loss of valuables should keep them on their


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