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PAMS Choice

PAMS Choice is the official Korean Performing Arts productions, which are more likely to be presented on the Korean Contemporary Performing Arts scene aimed at reaching a global audience. The PAMS Choice selections enjoy official showcase presentations throughout PAMS 2013 and are the subject of intensive promotional efforts at various international performing arts markets, with support provided for airfare and transportation when pieces are invited for performance overseas (in conjunction with the Arts Council Korea), for the translation of captions, and for education and consultation toward developing strategies to reach global audiences.

A total of 130 works were selected for PAMS Choice performances between 2005 and 2012. These performances have also been active abroad, with over 630 performances staged around Asia, Oceania, Northern America, Europe, among other diverse locations through the support of strategic overseas expansion. For 2013, a total of ten works have been selected. Partial and full showcases will be taking place over the PAMS event period at locations such as the Sejong Center for the Performing Arts, the National Theater of Korea and the National Theater Company of Korea.

Registration Period and Expense

*This is ordered by showcase schedule.

영혼을 위한 카덴자 Cadenza for Soul, Ensemble SINAWI
A Magnificent Harmony of Korean Ethnic Music with a Classical Orchestra
Ensemble SINAWI takes on the challenge of collaborating with a classical orchestra. Cadenza for Soul is a concert, which is finding the primal form of Eastern and Western music. A classical orchestra based on fine chords creates a magnificent harmony with improvised play by Ensemble SINAWI. This concert revives the healing message of shaman rituals in ancient Korea and delivers it to contemporary audiences. Five players and a conductor are knocking at the door of world orchestras to share their belief in the worth of these traditions.

Painted by the mind, Music is another language
This performance reflects Gong Myoung's thoughts on the environment. The relaxation and rest made possible by Korea's beautiful islands and sea and their sounds and images are combined with Gong Myoung's sentiments. It allows the audience to engage in meditation, revitalize themselves and realize the preciousness of nature.

모두를 위한 피자 Pizzas for the People, Hwang KIM
'Smuggling' has been introduced to the world!
In the course of a long running ideological conflict, North Korea is one of the most culturally isolated countries in the world, which rejects any foreign influences through a tight control of media and communication equipment. To protect the North Korean identity from potentially damaging western influences, short wave radios for example are banned while TV receivers are locked into only receiving the 3 official channels. Paradoxically, with the support of the pizza loving leader, Kim Jong-il, the first-ever pizzeria was recently opened to provide an authentic Italian experience for a minority of the wealthy political elite. With the aim of challenging current cultural obstacles in North Korea, I have contacted a number of Chinese smugglers in China to distribute illegal propaganda over the border to North Korea, through the popular DVD format, since DVD players are widely found in North Korean homes. The work, Pizzas for the People, is a series of designed insertions that explore how design can playfully contribute and impact on a social and cultural level, subtly challenging an ideological status quo.

가곡실격:나흘밤 No Longer GAGOK: four nights, PARK Minhee
The beautiful and mystical, but, unusual voice and lyrics of Minhee PARK bring you a new sense of GAGOK
No Longer GAGOK: Four Nights sets off as a metaphor of Gagok. It is a Gagok piece in the form of physical performance, where poetry, voice, and choreography spread out from common roots. Poetry no longer clings to its written format on a plane surface, it moves even a step further from being articulated through the human voice, but rather, is inscribed in a three-dimensional space as stereo-poetry. No Longer GAGOK: Four Nights sings about the dreams of four nights where you find anxiety and beauty at the same time. It reveals a phantasmal world using twisted composition, symbolic movement and voices from all directions.

1+1=추락樂남매 Chaotic Twins, Creative Group NONI
The story of a cruel fairy tale told by delightful and grotesque nomadic artists
Chaotic Twins has reproduced with a modernistic touch the nomadic performer’s costumes, instruments and tear-jerking dramas, which was a development of the 1900s. Taking the nomadic artist troupes of this period, where tradition and modernity coexisted as the main subject, it discusses the co-existence of comedy and tragedy, a mixture of the old and the new. The 1900s in Korea was a time when comedy and tragedy coexisted. This peculiarity of the era and the confusion that the Siamese twins go through is connected and amplified to become sensuously revealed.

도는 놈, 뛰는 놈, 나는 놈 Spin Jump Fly, Korean Traditional Performing Arts Troupe - The Gwangdae
No need for anything else. This is it! Non-verbal performance of traditional Korean Gwangdae, focusing on namsadang nori
Spin Jump Fly is a traditional gala performance incorporating all kinds of Korean folk games, such as pungmul (farmer’s band music), talchum (masked dance), and namsadang nori (the performances of travelling entertainers).Based on the concept that “nature” is the fundamental form of traditional Korean music and movements, The Gwangdae staged pangut (Korean Traditional Percussion Quartet) themed on the country’s distinct four seasons. Our goal is both to provide a hilarious performance that can fully entertain the audience and to attain some aesthetic height onstage.

하얀 눈썹 호랑이 Tiger with a White Eyebrow, TAROO
A folktale told through pansori and a live gugak ensemble performance
Tiger with a white eyebrow is a pansori musical with 4 pansori singers as storytellers. Each storyteller occasionally transforms into a one-thousand-year-old tiger or a child, lively presenting and singing a story. Fun acts performed by pansori singers who transform into various characters, humorous rhythms and tunes and live Korean traditional music performances harmonize together, providing a performance from which we can all learn a variety of wise reflections on life contained in our old stories.

하녀들 The Maids, Sadari Movement Laboratory
A clandestine game played by the two maids reflected Madame’s distorted mirror
Jean Genet based his 1947 play, The Maids (Les Bonnes), on the sensational account of two maids, sisters, who brutally murder their mistress and her daughter. This new production combines video projection and innovative sound design with the unique physicality that has brought international recognition and acclaim to the Sadari Movement Laboratory. SML reinterprets the play as physical and object-based theatre, using a large wooden wardrobe to define both tangible and psychological space.

Meet the Fascinating Swan that has Evolved with a New Vocabulary of Contemporary Hip-Hop!
Premiered at the Seoul International Dance Festival 2011, Swan Lake deals with current environmental issues and is also the winner of the Grand Prix at the Seoul International Choreography Festival 2012. The choreographer takes and reconfigures Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake with powerful movements of hip hop, poppin dance, b-boying, and contemporary dance.

오나_Is she coming? Ona-Is She Coming?, Choe Contemporary Dance Company
A Journey of Waiting in Pursuit of the Identity Lost in the Lives of Modern Men
Ona is a piece that tells us a story of waiting. We wait for many things: a messiah, a prophecy, a lover, a child, spring and fruits to be born. Yet the object of our waiting, although it is to come sometime in the future, does not exist in front of us at present. Therefore, we can only imagine it by looking back on our past – waiting creates the object. Choe Contemporary Dance Company drew attention from the Suzanne Dellal Center and at CINARS 2012.

※Full length case in cooperation with SIDance. Since the seats are limited, reservation should be a priority.

Tel : +82-(0)2-708-2275

E-mail : pams@pams.or.kr

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